What makes Minicalendar unique is it has a clean design and it is easy to use. MiniCalendar has two main user interface elements: windows and menus.
Calendar Window
The Calendar Window is the main window, as its name implies, it displays the calendar.
Set Date Dialog
The "Set Date Dialog" is used for jumping from one calendar to another. To change dates, choose the month from the popup menu and enter the desired year. The year needs to be between 1582 and 29940.
About Box
The About box displays information about the environment MiniCalendar is running in. The following is a brief description of the information provided:
Free Memory
This is the current amount of free memory MiniCalendar has available.
Application Version
This is the version of MiniCalendar you are currently running.
System Version
This is the version of MacOS you are currently running.
Registered To:
This is the name of the user MiniCalendar is registered to.
The Preferences dialog box allows you to configure MiniCalendar any way you want. More information is provided in the Configuring MiniCalendar section.
MiniCalendar has three main menus you will use on a regular basis. They include the File Menu, the Edit Menu, and the Date Menu.
File Menu
Closes the front most window. If the Calendar Window is the front window, the MiniCalendar program quits.
Quits from MiniCalendar.
Edit Menu
Copies a picture of the current calendar to the clipboard.